Chiropractic treatment and Prices

How does chiropractic work?

Chiropractic is based upon the understanding that good health depends, in part, upon a normally functioning nervous system. A common interference to the nervous system is the twenty four moving bones of the spinal column. A loss of normal motion or position of these bones can irritate or impair the function of the nervous system. This can disrupt the transmission of controlling nerve impulses. Chiropractors aim to improve nervous system function primarily through chiropractic adjustments (with particular attention to the spine and pelvis), to help remove any interference that may be impairing normal health.

Chiropractic is non medication based treatment, for the whole body and not only the back.  It can relieve pain and improve the following conditions:


CHIROPRACTIC Treatment for everyone



Sometimes following poor in-utero positioning or difficult deliveries dysfunctions can be found in the infant. Very gentle and precise chiropractic treatment can be used to correct these dysfunctions such as a stiff neck and help with better sleep and digestion. 

From crawling to walking, carrying a heavy schoolbag, spending long hours sitting in poor postures, engaging in a sporting activity: your child’s developing skeleton is continually subjected to stress.  A chiropractic assessment is recommended during this period, particularly if your child presents pain or posture problems as well as the appearance of spinal dysfunctions such as scoliosis.





Through adulthood the daily rigors of work whether it be a physical profession or an office job our bodies are often fatigued. Headache, bad posture or repetitve strain injuries can be helped with Chiropractic treatment. It’s not only the back that can be treated, but the neck shoulders, elbows, hands, hips, knees and feet.







The wear and tear on joints, vertebral discs, tendons and muscles can create great discomfort. With age this can be present alongside degenrative disorders such as arthritis. Regular Chiropractic treatment can maintain mobility, reduce the daily aches and pains so that a fulfilling lifestyle can be retained into older age.







During pregnancy with the release of the hormone ‘relaxin’, increased joint mobility and altered weight bearing, renders you more vulnerable to injury. Thankfully Chiropractic treatment is possible up until your due date. Treatment techniques are adapted for your comfort .






Whether it be leisure or high performance, sport puts your body through rigorous strain. Joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia all can be damaged through incorrect movements or repetitive strain. Improving the functioning of your kinetic chains are important to avoid compensation. My biomechanical approach is to restore equal loading regain joint function, restore muscle flexibility and advise you on the exercises you need for your rehabilitation. Keeping you active in your sport during your treatment when possible is always the goal.




What do chiropractors do?

mc_back_treatment_chiropracticChiropractors are the spinal health experts. Helping to restore proper spinal biomechanics and improved nervous system function begins with a patient’s case history. This gives the chiropractor a background about your health, such as surgeries, accidents, the onset of your condition, and other details affecting your current health.

After reviewing your history and discussing your specific problem, a thorough orthopaedic, neurological, and chiropractic examination is performed. X-rays or MRI may be required to uncover structural and functioning problems associated with the spinal column. These examinations help identify areas of spinal malfunction and resulting nervous system deficit.

The findings of these examinations are explained and a plan of chiropractic adjustments and other treatment may be recommended. Progress is monitored with periodical examinations and follow-up reports.


€ 65,00 – Adult new patient including first treatment 

€ 45,00 – Adult regular Consultation/Treatment

€ 55,00 – Child (under 16 yrs) new patient including first treatment

€ 40,00 – Child (under 16 yrs) regular Consultation/Treatment
